Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Montag, 12. September 2011

first cross country training. go hard or go home.

today today was a good day. i enjoyed to go to school it was exhausting and freeking cold: in english class i have this teacher who always is sweating like a bear ( he also looks kinda like a bear..) so he put a extra large airconditioner in the classroom..wuuah it is soo freezing!

so actually i am very tired and i just wana tell you about todays cross country training: it started with a 2 miles (3.21 km) run under the hot sun. imagine "poor" lisa who had like 3 months holidays by doing NOTHING active!! very hard but i did it! so after that we had to work-out: 200 push ups, 200 bauchmuskeltraining übung, 100 other bauchmuskel workouts and finaly pull ups as much as we can. ( i did one ;)) . yes yes and on wednesday i have already a meeting (a competition)! how crazy is that..  but because i really did nothing for a long time a enjoy it now very much. i like to run and be active. .  coolest thing we got a team t-shirt! our trainer told us that we're the first team who starts again to cross country . the last team which existed was on 2003. and now seven years later they finaly found some crazy kids who wana run auround in the heat. happy end for the cross country team in kelseyville highschool;)

my gorgeous running outfit with an antique t-shirt from 2003.

you will here from me soon and nina thank you for your  comment i was soo happy about it! :)
loove and hugs from kurths lisa.

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