Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Montag, 30. Januar 2012

new plans of new classes

on our school, you usually keep the classes during the whole year. i know alot of other american schools that change the classes when the half year is over. well not by us.
but since i'm a special bird, i thought i might change a little about my schedule.

first of all, i know i'm going to have alot of problems in the french class when i go back to switzerland. that's why i thought i'm going to change to a french class here at the kelseyville high school but apperently the level of that class is very low. but still it would help me to refrech things.

then i would like to change my computer class to health class. i'm just not the computer person at all. :) but i had my fun time there! and of course i gave my best and learned alot!

yeah that should be it..

today was just a day like all the others and when i was sitting in class i just thought i have to refresh things. now, is the perfect timing for it!

read this that's a definition for "foreign exchange student" on Urban Dictionary:

Most awesome person you will ever meet. Exchange students willingly decide to get off their asses, leave their home country, and go see the world. For that reason, they should be given a hella lot of credit. Usually, a foreign exchange student will have a funny accent and not speak your language very well. This is all the more reason to hang out with them, because everything will suddenly become that much more hillarious. Also they are generally young people, and they have the tendency to be extremely good looking. In conclusion, mad props to all exchange students out there!

i just coppied that text from an exchange student and i thougt that was funny! 

Sonntag, 29. Januar 2012

ok so katie my friend is kinda grounded, that means she has to stay home and we can't really so something super cool exciting at the weekends. 
honestly at first i was a little lost but well i really had to do something.. i can't stay at the house all day long because i just really like going out and have adventures. :)

so i went to play tennis with julia... it is just very practical because the tennis court is so close to our houses. we're lucky! otherwise we would have ask someone for a ride.. and normaly katie is the one who has a car but since she's grounded we can forget that.
anyways julia and i had alot fun playing tennis! 

i don't remember if i ever told you.. but that place where we go play tennis is just so beautiful! i love it there. i wana show you some pictures i took an other day. it was much more nicer weather and i had katies camera for it. 


something completely out of theme, but i think it's funny. when american people argue and someone wants to get out of the arguement he just says: " i'm switzerland" haha that's how it goes dear switzerland i love you. we are just so neutral.

love, lisa

Freitag, 27. Januar 2012

hi everyone..

i just had my final in computer class and i wanted to show you what i did.. :) i had quit a long time to do it. for example i had to create the bear and stuff.. i know it doesn't really look like a did alot but well i gave my best.. (haha)

it's called "the golden bear"

Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2012

the english final went pretty well.. sometimes i just didn't know some words but who cares. ;)

today was actually a pretty boring day. . we had school off at 12.15 so i ate lunch with argie and katie and then i went down to the football field to run a little.. then on 4.30 we had cheerpractice. we practiced for tomorrows dance and i'm actually going to do a backflip (with help) in the stunt show. :)

well well that's all i have to say. kinda sad..  hope i'll be back with some exciting news and stuff.! :)

oh look who brang a little chihuahua to school! nora, a friend of courtney my hostsister, recently came to class with him. she just didn't want to leave him home alone.

Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2012

yes, it was definitaly an adventure to have detention.. i was kinda excited to go because i knew that courntey is with me and it's going to be a one and only (i hope so) detention . well but  one part i didn't know about detention.. you can't talk AT ALL not even whisper. if you talk you'll get send out of the room and you get another detention.. a little shocked i sat down and tried to entertain myself. luckily it was ok to listen to music so the hour went by fast. but still i'm going to be super carefull to set my alarm clock at the mornings because i don't wana be late or better, i don't wana get any detention anymore.

ok so i had to take a picture of my first detention, oh and it was courtney's too!!

we had detention befor cheerleading so we already had to dress up

oh so today i had my finals for Art and Civics... in art finals we had a little quiz about photography and then we had to design another sign for starbucks coffee. i thought that was ok.. i dindn't really had problems. and then for civics. yeah that was easy too because we just had to take notes what he wrote at the bord and then give the paper to him. i don't think that was a final at all. BUT tomorrow's going to be hard .. uiui in english we're going to have a huge test that lasts for two hours .

after cheer practice today, we went to the gym to watch a little bit of wrestling. it was tournament against other schools and i have to say i was just a little shocked how that loocked and what dress those guys have to wear in the fight. i really couldn't do that!! there are actually also girls who do that sport.! it weirds me out.. :)

love, lisa and wish me good luck in english finals tomorrow! :)

Dienstag, 24. Januar 2012

first earthquake and i slept over it!

that night at four o'clock my whole family woke up because of an earthquake.. except of me, i just slept over it.! haha they said it was a 3.9 and everything shoke pretty hard! i'm kinda glad that i just slept because i probably would be hecka scarred.. :S

ray lee, our oder exchange student from tawaiin had his presantation today! it was also very interesting to see how he lives and what his family does!
after school, courntey and i are going to have detention! that's pretty bad.. ;) it's like nachsitzen. so that means we have to stay after school and sit in a class room for one hour. it's because we overslept and came to school late. haha but i'm kinda excited for it! i never had to go to detention or anything like that!

then, another basketballgame at seven.. uuuhh it's getting very usual now. it's always the same thing over and over again. well what can we do. cheerleading will be over soon.

love, lisa

Montag, 23. Januar 2012

i had a great weekend! i actually totally forgot to tell you that i met two guys from switzerland! i thought that's hella cool and we spoke with each other about the difference from USA and switzerland.. it feels great because they see the way i see it and they go thruth the same thing ... their names are fabian and david, and they're doing a working year at the blue lakes. at a kitchen.. sadly their work isn't that great and they have problems.. so they decided to go back earlier. well my hostfather and i decided to invite them to dinner and watch the footbalgame. and it was pretty cool and interesting.. it feels great not to be the only one from switzerland. it supports me.

this week is finals week!! nooo! i'm not looking forward for that. that means that we're going to have a big test in each class.. it's going to start tomorrow. and today i had a presantation about switzerland in US history. it was quit fun to do it because the student where all very interested and  curious about everything. i showed picture where i live and where i go to school, the matterhorn of course, the trains we travel, my family, the food and alot more. at the end i made a little quiz about switzerland and the price was toblerone choclate. :)

i'm sitting in computer class and so far i'm having a great day!

love and hugs, lisa

Freitag, 20. Januar 2012

oh and by the way, i'm at katies house right now.. that's why i got to upload the pictures.. yay have a nice day, night or whatever.. :)

finally got the pictures!

hi everyone! i finally have time to upload some pictures from the last trip we made. we went to ukiah, to a roller skating park. the best thing was, that we dressed up like in  the 80's and it was soooo much fun!!!

katie the make up artis

me totally concentraded at the race

totally 80's

julia, katie, jorge and i

very soon, wer're going to have another basketbal game and we have to cheer again! i'm pretty excited about it because i can be a flyer again.

love, lisa

Sonntag, 15. Januar 2012

thankgod tomorrow is the martin luther king day and we're out of school! yay. katie, julia, argie,amber and i decided to go rollerskating in ukiah, which is like 45 min. away from us. i'm super excited for it because we're gonna make an 80's day out of it. so that means we're gonna dress like in the 80's and stuff.. :)) that's gonna be fun!

today was my second day of playing tennis! katie julia and i just discoverd a great place to play tennis and i wish you can see the view from up there!! it's just awesome and it's like 5 min. away from our house. so we told each other that we're gonna play as much as we can. we're not the best players but still, it's a great workout! and fun!

i'll post some pictures soon!

love and miss you guys!

Dienstag, 10. Januar 2012

alright today we had to cheer for the girls basketball players and i actually was in the stunt! so that means someone had to lift me up and i was on top of her. kinda wierd to explain that but ya. i was just on her shoulder.. our couach said that i would be ready to be on the high v. that means two girls would have to grab me on my shoes and lift me up! pictures will be up soon!

so today i got a package from my wonderful friend rebecca, i was so excited about it. she just knows what i love and want! :)
tomorrow, courntey and i planned to go jogging! how exciting is that! :)

Sonntag, 8. Januar 2012

aaah, i'm laying in my bed and it feels fresh and clean. today i washed my bed blanket, cleaned up my room, vacuum cleaned, went jogging, walked the dogs, went grocery shopping with michelle and finally watched a good movie. i would say that was a good day! but yesterday was even a better day:

katie, julia, argelia and me decided to go to the ocean.. so we packed our stuff together and katie drove us over the mountains and finally to fort bragg. it felt great to see and smell  the ocean again.. as soon as you arrive at fort bragg, you smell that salty smell from the ocean.  we went to our favourite beach and had a little picknick and just enjoyed the feeling to be free! we also met a old schoold friend who moved away a while ago.. we made alot of pictures with katies new camera, that she got for christmas. it was an unforgattable day not just for me, i think for everybody!

the way to fort bragg.. it's so beautiful how you have to go thruth the forest
i got shotgun ( it means i'm the one who can sit in the front) and katie, the driver!

ready to head down to the beach!

katie the beach girl! :)

i love my friends! julia, me, argelia and katie

julia, katie, eliot, argelia, danin and me

Montag, 2. Januar 2012

i actually don't had a bad first school day. i think i just have to get use to the "normal life" again. i realized how much i missed my friends! i have to tell you about katie, she's one of my best and closest friends here. i really love her! we have alot in common. for example we listen to the same music and like the same cloths and stuff! that's kinda how we met in school.. we just always told each other that we liked their clothing style and then we started to hang out! and it's been real! ( would michelle say:)) i mean it's just alot of fun with her. in our free time, we really like to drive around with her car and check out the local trifth store, go to the coffe shop, drink a smoothie, go to the lake or just do random things.

for christmas she gave me a big book were i can but all my memories and pictures in it. i thought it is a perfect gift because i love to draw and put pictures together...

Sonntag, 1. Januar 2012

happy new year!

hellou 2012! i'm suprised how fast everything is going... 2012 is going to be great! i'll see my family again .. but it is also going to be sad, because i have to leave. well, well it's how it is.

now, i just want to tell you very fast about my new year! in america, the new year is not such a big thing as it is by us in switzerland . because we would have lots of people coming over and so one. but seems like it's not.. BUT courntey and i had our plans and we went to katies house. she's also a cheerleader.. and there we had our own little new years eve party . . it was alot of fun. and then when the cauntdown begun, we turned of the TV and watched that big light bulb falling down in NYC.

it was really getting use to the break but now, it's over.. :( and we have school again. the next break is hela far away. ooh but a good thing is that we booked the flight for HAWAII! yaay i'm superexcited!

love, lisa