Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Sonntag, 29. Januar 2012

ok so katie my friend is kinda grounded, that means she has to stay home and we can't really so something super cool exciting at the weekends. 
honestly at first i was a little lost but well i really had to do something.. i can't stay at the house all day long because i just really like going out and have adventures. :)

so i went to play tennis with julia... it is just very practical because the tennis court is so close to our houses. we're lucky! otherwise we would have ask someone for a ride.. and normaly katie is the one who has a car but since she's grounded we can forget that.
anyways julia and i had alot fun playing tennis! 

i don't remember if i ever told you.. but that place where we go play tennis is just so beautiful! i love it there. i wana show you some pictures i took an other day. it was much more nicer weather and i had katies camera for it. 


something completely out of theme, but i think it's funny. when american people argue and someone wants to get out of the arguement he just says: " i'm switzerland" haha that's how it goes dear switzerland i love you. we are just so neutral.

love, lisa

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