Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Sonntag, 4. März 2012

picture time

since i do not have alot of time i'm just gonna upload some pictures. first from the swim meet i had on thursday. and by the way it was pretty awesome ! :)

couch agi!!

and then yesterday, we went to a play. it was about two women, who lived together but one was very messy and the other one was a overcleaning person. ya.

chris, michelle, nana and courtney

aand then today chris and i made dinner!! well, im not gonna lie but the dinner was THE BOMB! chris got that  jamie olicer cookbook from my parents about dishes all around the world. and now we finally decided to cook something out of it. first was, a swedish salad then a chicken, olive and preserved lemon tagine and then for desert a delicous berry pie. yuuum!

xoxo, lisa

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