Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Sonntag, 17. Juni 2012


crazy how fast it went by.. the graduation is over, the speech went well and sober grad was fun!!

on thursday evening, katie came by my house and she helped me with the speech. i was so glad because i'm not a pro at writing speeches in a foreign languages. so we wrote the speech until like two o'clock at night and woke up super tired in the next morning. but we had to get up to get ready for graduation. i had to show my speech to the principle of the school, just to make sure that i'm not going to say any inappropriate things :) it was reaally nervous for the speech because i knew that there's going to be alot of people.. but then when it came closer i wasn't that nervous at all, i felt like it doesn't really matter if i screw up because i'm never going to see those people again :))

all in all, i am so glad that i was able to join the graduation. it was amazing. it was exactly how i saw it in the movies. and then in the end after we moved the tassel, a big firework went off and the music started. tears were running in alot of eyes.

uu i was so excited when i saw my old friend devin, i remember him promising that he's going to come to our graduation. he moved away a while ago. and yes i kept his promis and showed up. i was so happy about it!!

after the ceremony was over, all the senior met in the cafeteria to get ready for the sober grad night. it's a night to "safe lifes". because normaly all the seniors would party hard and of course drink. and that's where the accidents. so sober grad night is a night organized from teachers and parents. and they really make it worth going. they rented a whole gym with pool, indoor pool, jumping castles, dancing, poker, aloot of food, volleyball, tattoos, games and alot more. everybody had a chance to win something. i won a toolbox and a camping chair. lol i gave the toolbox to chris, my hostdad for fathersday and michelle got the camping chair. the hard part of sober grad night was that it lasted until six o'clock in the morning!! but they had soo much stuff to do that you didn't even get tired.

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